Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bloggin' bout Brooke

This week's blog is for those of you who haven't seen Brooke in a while, or haven't heard a recent update...

We are so proud of Brooke as she continues to grow and learn. She gets stronger each day and it's getting harder to keep her in one spot. She loves to roll, especially when she wants something.

As you can see in this picture, she can't go much farther.

Brooke is now able to stand by herself with her back to the couch or facing the couch. She stands by herself without assistance but only for a few seconds. We are so impressed with how strong her legs have gotten in the last few months. Physical Therapy continues to work with her on stepping and weight shifting.

She likes playing with her table. It's so nice to see her play, while standing. A few months ago, standing was work enough, but now that her legs are much stronger, she really does like to play.

We are able to let Brooke leak around her trach, which makes it possible for her to talk. She has said "dada" and other beginning words. She is a real chatterbox and definitely lets you know she is in the room. I keep trying to get a video of her talking, but every time I pull out the camera she stops performing, and trust me she is a real performer. You can hopefully look forward to a video soon!

Physical Therapy is also working on crawling. Brooke is able to get on her hands and knees and scoot, but only backwards so far. She is a very determined little girl.

Brooke is our little fighter and we are amazed at her strength. Her smile could melt your heart, and a Brookie hug absolutely makes your day. We continue to have faith in our beautiful little girl. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

And, now for a little Hadley (also quite the performer)

Hadley keeps us laughing. I don't know where she gets the things she says but she sure is funny.

We hope you all have a great week. Try to enjoy this Spring? weather.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Brookie, Part 2

Here are a few pictures from Brookie's little party last night. She opened lots of fun presents and her big sister was a very big help.

Here is a video of Brooke when she finished opening her presents. She loves when people clap for her.

And now for the cake...

Brooke isn't eating a lot yet, but she sure did like playing with her icing and cake.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy Birthday, Brookie!!!

Today is Brookie's First Birthday!

Our blog would have been very long if I waited until Friday to post, so we are going to have a few blogs this week.

Because of the crazy weather, (40 mph winds) we weren't able to get outside for a picnic, but we were able to take the girls to lunch at O'Charley's. Brooke and Hadley were both a big hit with the lunch crowd and the staff. Going out to a restaurant was much easier than we thought and Brooke was such a good girl. We didn't even alarm once!

We didn't feel like going home after lunch so we went over to Gander Mountain. Of course it was Brian's idea to go on the Grand Opening Day. It was super crowded but Hadley loved playing in the tents and Brooke loved touching anything she could get her hands on. We ended up with a few things in the stroller that we didn't know were there. We have a little clepto on our hands.
Here are few pictures from Gander Mountain.

I think Brian may have a couple future hunters...

Later this evening we will be having a little family party at home. We will post pictures tomorrow. Try not to blow away today.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Here Goes...

Well, here goes. We are going to give this "blogging" thing a try. We have been following several families blogs lately and thought why not us? So, to all of you wondering, here are the The Tweryon Times. Share in the lives of Brian, Heather, Hadley and Brooke.

We have a pretty exciting week ahead of us...

Sunday we CELEBRATE Brooke Abigail Faith being home from the hospital for six months!! We are so pleased with her progress so far and look forward to a great summer.

Monday, I (Heather) turn 20+10. Yuck! Brian turned 30 on March 13th. We are officially not in our twenties anymore. How did this happen?

Tuesday is Brookie's first birthday. I can't believe it's been a year already. Brian took the day off and we are hoping it doesn't rain so we can go to the park for a picnic. We are going to celebrate with a small family get together now and have a bigger party in May when the weather is warmer and I don't have to worry so much about lingering cold and flu bugs.

Wednesday marks two whole weeks that Hadley has been using the big girl potty. Aside from falling in the big potty once (which was pretty traumatic for her), things have gone pretty smoothly.

I will end this week's blog with a picture of the girls in Hadley's jeep. This was a pretty exciting ride for Brooke. Hadley hasn't quite mastered the concept of steering and making the jeep go. Let's just say that Brooke was thrown around quite a bit. At one point, Hadley ran over her tubes which unplugged from Brooke and got stuck under the tire. We finally had to unplug the battery just to stop her so we could get a picture. Brooke didn't seem to mind though, she loved the ride.

Well, I have good intentions of updating this blog weekly, but things can get pretty hectic around here. I will do my best and I hope you all have a super week. HAPPY SPRING!