Sunday, November 22, 2009

I Have Time to Type....

All three of the girls are sleeping, so I thought I would type a few updates. The last few blogs have been mostly pictures and not a lot of information.

Brooke goes to St. Louis for a Pulmonary appointment on December 8th. She is now down as low as she can on her vent. At this appointment, the doctors will talk to me about our plan for the wean. When I talked to them a few weeks ago, they mentioned taking her off and getting a blood gas (a test to measure the amount of carbon dioxide you are exchanging??? She's had a million so you would think I knew what it did!) She is unplugging herself A LOT during the day and is really doing much better than she used to when she would unplug herself. She is also able to stay unplugged for longer amounts of time. I think the most we have done is about 20 minutes. We had her annual review last month and she did exceptionally well. In fact, she was kicked out of occupational therapy because she didn't qualify. If you want to get technical, she didn't really qualify for physical therapy or developmental therapy either but because of her vent, she gets it. I wasn't giving up physical therapy for anything. I can do OT with her but Sue (her physical therapist) does WAY more than I could. We have been taking Brooke everywhere lately. We went to the Rochester football game and Disney's Playhouse Live. She absolutely loves seeing other kids. I don't know who she liked more, Mickey and friends or seeing all the other kids that were there. She just wants to go, go, go and hopefully soon she will be tube free (at least during the day)! About the picture...she loves her bibs. She needs one to fall asleep and you know when she is tired because she goes and gets a bib. This particular day her baby needed a bib too. She did this all by herself. It was too cute not to snap a picture of!

On to Kami Lu... She had a high fever the other morning and with tiny babies that makes me very nervous, so I ran her to the ER. They found a urinary tract infection which was pretty surprising to the doctor, because she is so young. He gave her an antibiotic and we made an appointment with our pediatrician the next day. He ordered another culture of her urine a week later and found that she still had an infection. He recommended we have an ultrasound done of her kidneys and her "plumbing" system. From the ultrasound, they found a slight abnormality which means she probably has this reflux something or other (I can't remember the exact term). It generally corrects itself, but he wants to do one more test to be sure. This test will look at her kidneys again, but will look to see where her urine goes. It's possible that it is backing up into her kidney, causing the slight abnormality. Sensing my frustration (crying), he reassured me that this was more common than you would think. She has another culture next week, because she has to be clean for the next test. Let me just tell you it's not easy getting urine from a baby--can't have her pee in a cup! That was an experience. I really think I could become a pretty good nurse! About this picture... Can you find Kami? This was her sister's doing.

Hadley is well, Hadley. She definitely keeps me entertained each day. Our little darling has started wanting to wear dresses all the time. I guess she inherited this from me :) Ha! We had to put skirts and dresses on her Christmas list because she only has a few. She is really enjoying school and is super excited for Christmas. "Buddy" the Elf (From Elf on the Shelf--she named him Buddy) is making his first appearance this week and will be watching her until Christmas. Maybe he can get her to eat her vegetables, cause I sure can't.

I thought you might all like to know that Brian and I are officially DONE Christmas shopping. Yes, you read that right! We headed out the other night with lists and a highlighter in hand and after a few hours, found all but two things on our list. I ordered the other two when we got home. Gotta love online shopping. It feels really good to know that I will not have to make a last minute trip to pick something up. Also, we had family pictures taken last week and they turned out really cute. The ones of the girls are even better. I will post a few next week when I get the CD. I am so excited! Have a super Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for my husband, our beautiful children and our wonderful family and friends. Enjoy your time with your family.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Daddy and his Little "Deer"

Well, Brian didn't see a deer this morning in the woods, but he definitely has three sweet "deer" at home! Here they are with their daddy after he got home from hunting. Pretty cute in their camo, huh?

Lots of Girlie Fun!

Ok, I'm a little slow updating the blog, but I do have lots of pictures to share this week.

Hadley was the flower in girl in Brian's cousin Tracy's wedding. Hadley was so excited to wear a princess dress and go to a party! On Friday, I took her to get a mini manicure and pedicure before the wedding. She loved putting her feet in the purple water but she did not love the lady touching her toes! Check out these pics of our big girl!

The Rehearsal Dinner

Tracy and Mitch got Hadley a gift card to Build-a-Bear and the flower girl dress. She is so excited to pick out an animal to make. What a cute gift idea!

Saturday morning, I took Hadley to get her hair done with Tracy and her bridesmaids. Hadley loved this. She couldn't stop looking at herself in the mirror.

Mitch with Hadley, Madigan and Seth

Running off some energy

Tracy and Mitch with the Flower Girls and Ring Bearer

Hadley and Seth had a great time playing together while we waited for the ceremony to start. They were going on a bear hunt and really got along well. At the reception, Seth came up to Brian and asked "May I talk to Hadley please?" Oh my goodness it was sooooo sweet. Brian was pretty impressed.

Ellie and Brooke

Where is she going?

Hadley fell asleep on the way to the reception.

Kami slept through much of the reception.

Brooke yelling at me. She has a lot to say :)

I don't have anymore pictures from the reception because we were busy chasing our daughters around! Let's just say we were all tired at the end of the day, but what a fun day it was.

A Trip to the Airport

My brother Stuart and his wife Jackie flew home during the first week of November. One of Jackie's friends was getting married and she was a bridesmaid. They flew in on Wednesday and I decided it would be fun for the girls to surprise them at the airport. We loaded up Nana and Papa's van and set off. Here are a few pictures from the airport. We had to wait about 20 minutes before they arrived. Hadley made friends with a lady waiting for her daughter. Her exact words to this woman when she told me I had my hands full. Hadley said "It's ok, in a few months my mom will get through this." What?!?! Where did she hear that?

These next two are of Brooke "hiding." She's covering her eyes in one and crouching down behind the counter in the other. I had to crouch down because I was too tall and Stu and Jackie would have been able to see me, so Brooke thought she needed to hide too.

The best part is... I unplugged Brooke so she could walk out without her tubes (Stuart and Jackie had not seen her walk yet). Anyway, I unplugged her and as her and Hadley were walking out to surprise them, Hadley tripped on something (nothing) and fell down. As she was laying there, Brooke wasn't paying attention and fell on top of her. Of course I didn't have my camera for this, but it was priceless. They are both laying there on the floor of the airport. It was like slow motion. SURPRISE! Stuart runs over to help them and Brooke gets scared, starts crying and won't let him help. Here I thought it would be so cute for her to be walking up to them and the first thing they see is my girls laying on the floor!

Their visit wasn't long enough but they will be back for Christmas and will be here for ten days!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Here are the girls for Halloween this year --by far the cutest ladybug, gardener and flower I've ever seen!

Our beautiful Pink Flower

Our Little Gardener (everyone thought she was a farmer)

Not in the mood to have her picture taken!

Our Little Ladybug

Cousin Ellie was a cute little duck.

We took the big girls downtown to the Farmer's Market and costume parade/contest. There were a lot of people there and it was a ltitle overwhelming. We didn't enter the girls in the contest, but it was still fun to see some cute costumes.

I can't believe she stood so close to that kangaroo!

She even gave this huge dog a hug!

Later, we went trick-or-treating at the Rochester Fire Station