Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What camera?

So, I'm beginning to understand why the third child always gets upset because there aren't enough pictures of them. I think I've gone three days without even picking up the camera. I've got to get better about that. Here are a couple pics that I took this week. Most of them are of Hadley though. Oops!

Hadley went to a Fancy Nancy birthday party for her friend Britton. The invitation told us to dress "Fancy just like Nancy." Nancy is a little girl from the book Fancy Nancy who loves being fancy and even teaches her family how to be fancy, not plain. Here is Hadley's outfit that we created together. She picked most of it out! I included a picture of Fancy Nancy so you have an idea of what we were going for.

She also celebrated becoming a big sister (again) at Fun Shop. She got her "Big Sister" crown and got to walk around the circle while all of her friends sang and waved to her. She loved it!

And now for a few of Kami Lu!

Brooke's One Year Anniversary!

On September 22, we celebrated Brooke being home for one year. I can't believe it's been a year already and I definitely can't believe we have another baby. If someone had told me we would be celebrating Brooke's anniversary with another child in our family, I never would have believed them! We are so proud of Brooke and her accomplishments. She is an inspiration to us all!

We had a celebration party for Brooke last Saturday.

Here are a few pictures from the day!

Thanks to everyone who helped make Brooke's special day so special! It was a wonderful day!

Playing Catch Up!

It's not so crazy around the Tweryon house, if you can believe that! We are off to a good start and seem to be settling into somewhat of a routine. Kami is a great baby and Hadley and Brooke are adjusting really well. They are both quite the little mothers, offering lots of help :)

I have a lot of pictures to share and some of them are a little old, but I wanted to post them.

These first few are from Grandparent's Day on September 13th. Hadley and Brooke made and decorated cupcakes and picture frames for their grandparents.

Hadley playing catch with Daddy in the front yard.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Welcome to the world, Kamdyn "Kami" Lu Tweryon.

Our little girl was born Friday, September 18th at 1:26 p.m. She weighed 6 lbs. 14 oz. and was 20 inches long. Labor was pretty good considering the fact that my epidural (sp) didn't work and the nurse wouldn't believe that I was actually in labor. Wouldn't you know it was the same nurse that didn't believe I was in labor with Brookie either. We are all home and doing well. Hadley and Brooke both have a little cold which isn't very fun when you have a brand new baby sister in the house and you can't love on her. Here are some pictures of our family of five.

I will post more later this week. I just wanted to put some pics up now and let you know that we are all doing well. Have a good week. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Prayers Please!

Well, it looks like we are having a baby tomorrow! I just got home from the Doctor and he told me I am ready. We have to be at the hospital at 5:00 a.m. Obviously I knew this day was coming, whether or not it was tomorrow or next week, but I am extremely nervous now that I know it's tomorrow for sure. I guess I'm just asking for your prayers. Please pray for a healthy baby and an uncomplicated labor and delivery. Please also pray for Brooke and Hadley as they become big sisters (again for Hads :)). Thank you!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hadley's First Day of School

For some reason, the pictures I want to put on here are not going where I want them to. Here is part two of this week's blog but don't miss part one, which is actually next when you are reading.

Here are pics of Hadley's first day of pre-school. She had a great day and really didn't care if Brian and I left or not. She just went right to playing. Of course I had tears in my eyes and I think I felt worse because she just wanted to go play with her friends. I'm just her mom, right? I guess I should be proud of how independent she is.

These next pictures are not in the order I want them but I am done messing with it. I am getting frustrated. There are two random pictures of Brooke with her bookbag. She was feeling left out because her big sister had a bookbag and she didn't so she was getting ready for school too.

Well, this is certainly not our best blog but for whatever reason, the formatting and I are not getting along. I will do better next week (or the week after that) depending on when our new little one arrives. I hope you all have a great week.

How Did the Baby Get in Your Belly?

Well, she finally asked. We had been waiting for Hadley to ask us this all important question and she finally did. She also asked how the baby was going to get out of my belly too. What a fun conversation! Don't all babies come out mommy's belly button?

As of now, I am scheduled to be induced at 5:00 a.m. on the 18th as long as I am "favorable." With Brooke it's much easier to have everything planned out so I know exactly who will be taking care of her. I'm trying to plan it all out but I have a feeling this baby might have other plans. As of my last sonogram (two weeks ago) they had her weighing 6 lbs. 9 oz. Hadley was only 7 lbs. 1 oz. when she was born so I'm a little nervous.

The first picture was taken at the Old State Capitol last week (trying to get a nice picture of the girls and they weren't in the mood to cooperate). I took the girls to the Farmer's Market and we met my mom for lunch. Then I let the girls run around on the lawn of the Old State Capitol. Here are a few pictures from the day.

Hadley with her scavenger hunt

Brooke being a "crazy monkey"

Playing in a puddle by the Capitol stairs.