Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Happy Mommy's Day

Mother's day was a great day this year.  The weather was wonderful and I got to spend the day with my beautiful girls and family.  Being a mom is one tough job, but a job that I am so thankful to have.  A hug, a kiss, a smile -- they can all melt your heart and make your day better instantly!
 The girls and I before church
After church we had lunch at my Mom and Dad's house.
Nana and her girls

After lunch we gave Nana her presents.  We made her a tree using each of the grandkids handprints.  We also made wooden blocks that spell out We Love NANA with each of the kids holding a letter or the word love.  I can't seem to figure out where those pictures are right now.  They turned out really cute and I plan on making more in the future.  Thanks to Jackie for finding the idea and directions!
 The girls also made Nana a special book with drawings and paintings.  I also had them answer questions and finish sentences about Nana.  Pretty funny finished product!
After my Mom and Dad's we headed over to Grandpa and Grandma's house where Grandma opened her presents.  Surprise, Surprise!  Same thing as Nana ;)

Our family is so lucky to have two great moms to take care of us! Not only are Brian and I very lucky to have you as moms, our children are so blessed to be able to call you Nana and Grandma.  Thank you for everything you do and for always giving so much of yourselves.  We love you very much!

Brooke's Mother's Day Tea

I was invited to Brooke's class for their annual Mother's Day Tea.  She wore her pretty Easter dress and was very excited to have mommy at school with her. 

It's me! Can you see the resemblance?? :) I love her drawings of people.  And, her questions were pretty right on!  I'm so glad she thinks I'm good at making bacon. 

The kids sang an adorable song for their mommies.  They were so stinking cute!!
After the song, we split into small groups and read books, made a necklace and had yummy snacks!  What a great Mother's Day Tea with my sweet girl!

** If you look closely at the heart you can see Brooke's fingerprint and my fingerprint.  The teachers let the hearts dry and made them into necklaces for us.  ADORABLE!

Mrs. Noah and Her Boat full of Friends

Hadley was SUPER excited for her end of the year program at pre-school this year! She was selected to be Mrs. Noah -- one of the best parts in the play ;) Last year she was Mrs. Leopard and was so hoping to be Mrs. Noah this year.  The play was, of course adorable, and all of the kids did a great job. 
Noah and Mrs. Noah started the play.  Hadley's good friend, Landon was Noah.  They were the perfect couple.  Noah decided to try to make the ark more exciting by advertising it as a cruise.  Check out Mr. and Mrs. Noah in their cruise wear.  


 The class sang some cute songs, and entertained their audience very much.  Each child then received their "diploma."

The cutest Mr. and Mrs. Noah ever!
After the play, we all enjoyed cookies and punch in the classroom. 

Hadley and her teachers, Mrs. Bane and Mrs. Monari
 Hadley and her friends, Alexa and David

Brooke's Special Weekend (Part 2)

On Friday night we went out to dinner at a cute little restaurant that I can't remember the name of.  I do remember that there were all kinds of crazy things hanging on the walls and ceiling.  I spy kept us very busy while we waited for our food. 

On Saturday morning we headed to Grant's Farm.  I had been here when I was little, but don't really remember going.  I loved it!  It was about 100 degrees which made for a very hot trip to a farm, but we all had a great time.  I can't wait to take Hadley and Kami with us.


Brooke and Daddy ready to feed the goats.  This was quite an experience.  You paid for a bottle of milk and were able to feed the little baby goats.  You were welcome to go into the pen, but I would not recommend it! 
This poor guy is trying to get out and the goats have the gate blocked!  It was super difficult for anybody to get in or out, so we stayed outside where it was safe.  We saw a poor little boy get almost trampled by the goats.  I was scared to go in their myself, let alone my little child!

 The goats definitely loved the bottles!







 After we cooled off for a bit at the hotel, we headed out for a bite to eat and ended up at a state park where we found this little pond.  Brooke loved trying to catch the little minnows and skipping rocks.

All clean and ready for bed.  Unfortunately, Brooke came down with a little bug on Sunday morning so our trip home wasn't so fun.  Hadley had also been sick both Friday and Saturday nights too.  Silly germs!