Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mrs. Noah and Her Boat full of Friends

Hadley was SUPER excited for her end of the year program at pre-school this year! She was selected to be Mrs. Noah -- one of the best parts in the play ;) Last year she was Mrs. Leopard and was so hoping to be Mrs. Noah this year.  The play was, of course adorable, and all of the kids did a great job. 
Noah and Mrs. Noah started the play.  Hadley's good friend, Landon was Noah.  They were the perfect couple.  Noah decided to try to make the ark more exciting by advertising it as a cruise.  Check out Mr. and Mrs. Noah in their cruise wear.  


 The class sang some cute songs, and entertained their audience very much.  Each child then received their "diploma."

The cutest Mr. and Mrs. Noah ever!
After the play, we all enjoyed cookies and punch in the classroom. 

Hadley and her teachers, Mrs. Bane and Mrs. Monari
 Hadley and her friends, Alexa and David

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