Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Last Ditch Effort to Catch Up...

As I was about to put my day of blogging to bed I realized there were too many cute pictures left to share. They don't really share a particular theme, just some random pictures from the last month or so.

We went to a party for our friend Landon. They had a big blow up movie screen and we watched the movie Barnyard. Hadley liked it so much that we are getting the screen for her birthday party too. We have yet to determine what movie we will watch though.

Kamdyn caught taking the clean clothes out of the laundry basket. She makes the funniest faces!

Brooke and Kami making a mess in Hadley's room.

Brooke climbing on Kami's changing table so she can reach her bib.

We went down to Girard so Brian and I could paint Granny's shed. The girls had fun playing with Granny. Thanks for the golf sets!

We put their paint clothes on and let them paint the bird house. As soon as they got their paint clothes on, they assumed that meant they could paint themselves! Really!?!? They were total messes!

Having a slumber party in their room.

Brooke being silly!

Kami is such a ham!

So serious -- wonder what she's thinking?

Hadley and Brooke sliding with Grandpa Bill at our family reunion
We took the big girls to see Annie at the Muni. It was a really cute show and the girls did really well. They actually stayed awake the entire time.
Brooke is saying "Annie!" In fact, every time she heard someone say Annie (including during the performance she screamed it). I thought it was cute, but I'm not sure the people sitting around us did :)

Check out Hadley's face???

This picture was taken on Monday morning after being out late to see Annie. Both she and Hadley were total crabs the next day. I just don't have a crab picture of Hadley to share.

A sweet smile in between crabby moments

We were playing "babysitter" one day. Here they are taking naps.

Hadley's soccer shirt for this season

Papa Clark walking with Kam

Brooke singing "Twinkle Twinkle" -- which she does very well I might add.
Up next on The Tweryon Times: Fishing, the Fair and updates on all three girls. I can't guarantee it will get done tomorrow. I might need to let my brain take a blogging break!
Thanks for listening...reading...viewing. I hope you enjoyed.

Keep Reading!

I blogged straight through naps today, so.... KEEP READING! I posted several blogs today, and I don't want you to miss anything. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week and a great Labor Day Weekend!

"I Can't Believe I'm in The 4's Class and I'm Only 3!

Hadley's first day of Pre-School was today. She is in the 4's class this year which means she goes three days a week instead of just two. It's also called the Pre-K class so it's more structured in that they are trying to prepare the kids for kindergarten. Hads will actually have to do two years of this class because she has such a late birthday.

Such a big girl! Where did my little girl go?

Brooke with her book bag, too.

I love this picture!

Daddy with his girls

Hadley and Brooke walking up to school.

Getting ready to walk in to school and just like last year, not care if her Mom or Dad stay or leave. She is so stinking independent. It makes me happy and sad all at the same time.

Hadley with her teachers -- Mrs. Monari, Mrs. Tucker and Mrs. Bane
This is going to be a great year! Hadley is excited that she gets to go on field trips and she gets to do a Noah's Ark play at the end of the year. Pre-School is so fun!

Happy Birthday, Grandma Patti!

Patti's birthday was Monday. On Sunday, we had a family dinner at their house. Debbie, Patti's cousin was coming in from Texas to surprise Granny, Aunt Betty and Uncle Donald. Debbie shows up in this crazy wig and the surprise-ees have NO idea who she is. They all had this stunned look on their face but not one of them knew who she was until she took the wig off. It was pretty funny! Brian got a smoker for Christmas, so he smoked a pork shoulder and it was deee-licious! He did half of it on Friday afternoon and the other half starting at 5:00 on Sunday morning. It was a lot of work, but it was sooo worth it.

Aunt Betty, Uncle Donald, Debbie and Granny

Grandma opening her presents. There's nothing like a macaroni necklace!

This picture needs explaining. Uncle Bill was eating home made ice cream and Kami was loving it. She sat there like a little bird and opened her mouth every time he went to take a bite. At one point, Ellie comes up to get some and Kami spins herself around, and screams at Ellie. I'm sure it was just a coincidence but it was funny! It's like she was saying "this is mine!"

On Monday, we had a little luncheon for Grandma during her lunch. Granny, Aunt Betty and Debbie came too. We had little sandwiches, pretzels, popcorn, punch and brownie cupcakes. Can you decide who chose the menu? The first picture of this blog is Grandma wearing her special birthday crown that the girls made for her.

Happy Birthday to a great Grandma! Our girls are so blessed to have such a wonderful person in their lives. Brian and I are pretty lucky too :) We hope you had a terriffic birthday. Thanks for everything you do for our family.

Rocketpalooza 2010

Last Friday, the Rochester Rockets kicked off their first football season as members of the CS8 (Central State 8). We decked the girls out in their orange and blue and headed up to the school for Rocketpalooza 2010. They have a little festival before the game where kids can play in the bounce house and blow up obstacle course. They have different vendors and activities set up too. I don't know if I've said this before, but I love living in Rochester. It's such a great small town with a great sense of community. When I was in high school, I couldn't wait to "get out of here." Boy how my attitude has changed. This community has been more than wonderful to our family and we are proud to call Rochester home. I love going to events where you see not only teachers and administrators that you had while you were in school, but you also see friends with their kids. It's funny to think that our kids are now going to grow up together. And, there's just something about a Friday night football game (now if it would just cool off).

Brooke has started this now when she takes a picture. She will go right over to Hadley and put her arm around her! She absolutely idolizes Hadley and will do anything she does. The first few pictures I took, she is staring right at Hadley and is doing what she is doing.

Kami Lu

Brooke getting her face painted.

Hadley going down the slide at the end of the obstacle course.

We were able to tour the new sports complex. Wow!

The girls with their super grandparents!

Hadley doing a cheer with some former Rochester cheerleaders. She had been practicing all day, but at the game she only made it about half way through. "I'm hungry." she says.

"I just don't know which grandpa to go to!" What a goof ball!

Family Pictures in Florida

We all dressed in our white shirts and jeans for family pictures on the beach. Here is a sample of some of the excitement. It's not easy to get four small children to cooperate for pictures, which you will clearly see in some of the shots :)

Nana and Papa with their grandkids.

The family (after dinner) sitting on an old boat outside the restaurant. I was afraid we were going to get attacked by spiders!

The Tweryon family

Brooke has this look on her face, like "What? I'm not supposed to play in the
sand before our picture?"

Hadley being Hadley

Stuart, Jackie and Brody

I had fun picking out these next few. It was windy this day and Brooke did not like her hair getting in her face. Aunt Jackie was very brave (and also just out of camera view) to let Hadley hold baby Brody.

Ok girls, look how nicely Brody is doing for the picture? What can you learn from this? Not one of my girls is looking at the camera!

That's better!
We were scheduled to have professional pictures taken on the Friday that Hadley was in the hospital. Needless to say, that didn't happen (for us at least). My Mom and Dad took Kami with them and got some nice pictures with Brody and Stuart and Jackie, too.